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Bu Sayfadaki Bilgiler 04/05/2007 tarihli ve 5651 sayılı "İnternet Ortamında Yapılan Yayınların Düzenlenmesi ve Bu Yayınlar Yoluyla İşlenen Suçlarla Mücadele Edilmesi Hakkında Kanun" Uyarınca Gerekli Durumlarda İletişim Sağlanabilmesi İçin Eklenmiştir. Lütfen Gerekli Durumlarda Kullanınız... İbrahim uzun Esatpaşa mah 3.demiryollu no:28 menemen/izmir/Türkiye email
Forum Ana Sayfası  »  Master ve EMU Aktifleştirme Şifreleri
 »  Emulator satellite receiver

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Emulator satellite receiver           (gösterim sayısı: 3.245)
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Kayıt Tarihi: 13.09.2010
İleti Sayısı: 2.590
Şehir: İzmir
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Konu Tarihi: 16.12.2014- 21:04
Alıntı yaparak cevapla  

Emulator satellite receiver

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Yu-Ma-Tu

Yu-Ma-Tu x100 - 9339
Yu-Ma-Tu x200 - 9339
Yu-Ma-Tu x300 - 9339
Yu-Ma-Tu 5500-8000 - 2441?
Yu-Ma-Tu 9500 - 8503?
YuMaTu Explorer Series - 3453?
Yu-Ma-Tu IQ - 9339.
Yu-Ma-Tu MX Series - MENU - MUTE -999
Yu-Ma-Tu YT 8500CI - MENU + set +0000 OK

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Topfield

Topfield - MENU to stand on "System Information" and enter a remote 121.V some firmware 231, 321, 376

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Samsung

Samsung 9400-9500 MENU System info 0000 OK

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver XSAT

XSAT 310 - 6931

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Technosat

Technosat 7002 - F1 000
Technosat 7002m - F1 000?
Technosat T-8002M - F1 000

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Strong

Strong 440 * MENU - Configuration - 2004 or 2003 (go to where the choice of languages ​​and changes require the 2004 ... should include the emu.)
Strong 4125 - MENU 4225
Strong 4155 - MENU 4225
Strong 4355 - MENU 4225
Strong 4402 1mB - MENU-configuration of the 2004 or 2003
Strong 4402 2mB - MENU-configuration of the 2004 or 2003
Strong 6125 - MENU 4225
Strong 6155 - MENU 4225
Strong 6355 - MENU 4225

Star track
Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Star track

Star trak SR-1150D - MENU 1117
Star trak SR-X1150CU - MENU 1117 (not verified)
Star track SR-15x - MENU 3327
Star track SR-55x - 9339
Star track SR-75x - MENU 0000
Star track 550D Super Plus - 9339 or 2046
Star track 750 Super - 9339
Star track NC 707 - 0

Star Sat
Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Star Sat

Star Sat 550 ultra - MENU 1234
StarSat 1900D - 1001

Emulator satellite Key,universal code for the satellite receiver Eurostar

Eurostar eb-999 - MENU-9999-OK
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Forum Ana Sayfası  »  Master ve EMU Aktifleştirme Şifreleri
 »  Emulator satellite receiver

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